About the Author
Jane Olver is Consultant Ophthalmic, Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgeon at the Western Eye and Charing Cross Hospitals, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and Director Clinica London
Lorraine Cassidy is Professor of Ophthalmology, Trinity College, Dublin; Consultant Ophthalmologist, Neuro-ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon, The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, and The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, incorporating the National Childrens’ Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Gurjeet Jutley is Specialist Registrar, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London
Laura Crawley is Glaucoma Fellow, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London 
“Ophthalmology at a Glance provides a concise overview of the specialty, with clear and simple diagrams illustrating the essential information required for students, trainee optometrists, opticians and specialty nurses.” (Kingbook73’s Medical Ebook and Video Collection, 7 October 2014)
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